
keep 예문, keep 활용, find 예문, 4형식동사, 완전자동사, 간접목적어, 4형식, threshold meaning, threshold 뜻, spontaneous meaning, spontaneous 뜻, 부사 still, still meaning, still 뜻, reason with, reason meaning, 동사 reason, reason 뜻, be reduced to, reduce A to B, reduce meaning, reduce 뜻, long for meaning, long for 뜻, 동사 long, clamp down on meaning, clamp down on 뜻, crack down on meaning, crack down on 뜻, be met with meaning, meet with meaning, be met with 뜻, meet with 뜻, meet 과거분사, meet 과거형, meet 뜻, be incidental to, incidental 뜻, exhaustive 철저한, exhaustive 의미, exhausitve 뜻, criticize 어원, criticize 뜻, critique 어원, critique 뜻, cause 뜻, 명사 cause, 동사 compound, 악화시키다, compounded 뜻, compound 뜻, bother to V, bother to 동사원형, affirmative action 의미, affirmative 예문, affirmative 의미, affirmative 뜻, affirmative 활용, insist that, argue that, of little account, of no account, on that account, on this account, account 예문, account 활용, account 의미, apprehend 활용, apprehend 뜻, 동사 apprehend, appreciate 예문, appreciate 활용, refer 예문, refer 활용, refer to as, 5형식 refer, 3형식 refer, 1형식 refer, allow 예문, allow 활용, allow of, 5형식 allow, 4형식 allow, 3형식 allow, 1형식 allow, serve 예문, serve 활용, 4형식 serve, 3형식 serve, serve as, 1형식 serve, win 활용, win 예문, 4형식 win, 3형식 win, order 뜻, order to부정사, that절 동사원형, 주장명령요구제한, order 활용, order 예문, 5형식 order, 4형식 order, 3형식 order, 5형식 keep, keep from ing, 3형식 keep, keep 형용사, keep 보어, 2형식 keep, pay 예문, 3형식 pay, 1형식 pay, 동사 pay, 5형식 ask, 4형식 ask, 3형식 ask, ask to, ask 예문, ask활용, 5형식 가목적어, 가목적어 it, 가목적어, find활용, 5형식find, 4형식 3형식 전환, 4형식 find, 동사address, find out 예문, search 예문, look for 예문, 3형식 find, feel 해석, feel that, feel 예문, feel for, 동사feel, 5형식make, 4형식make, 3형식4형식문장전환, 3형식4형식문장변환, make예문, bemadefrom, bemadeof, 2형식make, make 예문, 1형식 make, tend to, make it to, 동사 get 예문, 동사get 형식, held responsible for, hold true, 동사hold, hold예문, 5형식hold, 2형식hold, takeitforgranted, take해석, take예문, 5형식take, believe예문, believein, thinkofAasB, think예문, 5형식동사think, 1형식동사종류, hope예문, 1형식예문, hopethat, hopeto, hopefor, 3형식hope, 1형식hope, 동사hope, 4형식deny, 동사save, 4형식save, 동사 come, go의의미, 바둑영어, 2형식go, 자동사go, 동사go, 동사get, account for, keep ing, ask for, refer to, hold good, 문장의5형식, on account of, allow for, feel like ing, 알파고, 1형식동사, 목적격보어, 직접목적어, 존재하다, exist, 목적어, incident, 5형식, 사역동사, Be동사, pay, Count, 자동사, 보어, 오다, Accident, DENY, Save, coming, Matter, Believe, go, Last, Come, 가다, work, help,